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This article was written by Amanda Ciprich, MS, RD. Last updated on 10/4/23.

Tandem Mobi is an automated insulin pump developed by Tandem Diabetes Care Inc, the same company behind the Tandem t:slim X2. Tandem Mobi introduces multiple innovative features and enhancements that set it apart from the current existing insulin pump options. Keep reading to discover more features about Tandem Mobi and how it differs from current automated insulin pumps.
Tandem Mobi Features
Some of the unique features of Tandem Mobi system includes:
- Versatile Wear Options: Tandem Mobi is less than half the size of the t:slim X2 pump. It can slip into a coin pocket, attach to clothing with a clip or be worn on the body using an adhesive sleeve (available separately).
- Infusion Set Flexibility: Compatible with all Tandem-branded infusion sets including a newly introduced 5-inch tubing designed exclusively for the Tandem Mobi.
- Automated Insulin Delivery: Tandem Mobi incorporates automated insulin delivery by utilizing control-IQ technology.
- Mobile App Control: Tandem Mobi does not have a built-in screen. Users will utilize a compatible iPhone app for mobile control.
When will Tandem Mobi be released?
According to Tandem’s website, a limited release of Tandem Mobi is expected to begin in late 2023 with full commercial availability planned for early 2024. Enroll in Tandem’s newsletter to receive the latest announcements on the Tandem Mobi system.
IsTandem Mobi tubeless?
Tandem Mobi is not tubeless, but features a newly introduced 5-inch tubing designed specifically for this pump. Tandem Diabetes is working on a tubeless version of Tandem Mobi, but there are no details on a possible release date.
Is Tandem Mobi FDA approved?
Tandem Mobi received FDA clearance in July 2023 for people with diabetes aged 6 and up.
What’s the difference between TSlim X2 and Tandem Mobi?
While Tandem Mobi will utilize Control-IQ, the same automated technology that is used by the Tandem t:slim X2 along with a similar 200-unit insulin cartridge there are some notable differences between these insulin pumps including:
- Size: Tandem Mobi significantly small than the t:slim X2 pump, fitting easily into a coin pocket or adhering to the body using a separately available adhesive sleeve.
- Remote Insulin Delivery: Tandem Mobi lacks a built-in screen and relies on a compatible iPhone application for insulin delivery. In comparison, the t:slim X2 comes equipped with a screen for dosing or users can utilize the Tandem app for mobile dosing.
- Tubing Options: When it comes to tubing options, Tandem Mobi users will have access to a shorter 5-inch tubing option in addition to over 30 existing infusion site and length options.
Individuals who purchase a new t:slim X2 between July 1 and December 31, 2023 may be eligible for the Tandem Choice Program which allows users to switch to the Tandem Mobi for $199 when it is available.
What’s the difference between Omnipod 5 and Tandem Mobi?
- Tubing: Omnipod 5 is a tubeless insulin pod that doesn’t have any tubing. Tandem Mobi requires at least 5 inches of tubing for insulin delivery.
- Automations: Omnipod 5 and Tandem Mobi have distinct automation algorithms and varying glucose target goals. Because Tandem Mobi incorporates Control IQ technology, its functionality will closely resemble that of the Tandem t:slim X2, which we previously compared to Omnipod 5.
- Insulin Delivery: Omnipod 5 requires a separate mobile device for insulin delivery while Tandem Mobi users can utilize their compatible iPhone for mobile insulin dosing.
About Amanda Ciprich, MS, RD
Amanda Ciprich, a registered dietitian with a specialization in type 1 diabetes, was diagnosed with T1D herself at the age of 18. With her expertise and personal experience, she has authored two books, including "The Caregiver's Guide to Diabetes: Practical Advice for Caring for Your Loved One." As the founder of T1D Nutritionist, a virtual insurance-based private practice, Amanda provides counseling and guidance to individuals with T1D and their families, supporting them in effectively managing diabetes.
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